Adam Douglas Baird was born at 3:01 this afternoon (June 28). He was 8 lbs 9 oz and 20" long. He is very healthy as is Mom. Lindsey was absolutely amazing today as she gave birth 100% natural.
We went into the hospital this morning to be induced. The doctor broke her water and then gave her until noon to start making some progress. At around 11:30 they thought she would need some help from patocin (spelling). Just the thought of that seemed to work, and the contractions started coming. She stayed calm, and relaxed for most of the time. I have never seen anyone handle so much pain with so much strength. It was truly awesome to see her so strong during such an ordeal.
As most of you know, I was lucky to get Lindsey. I have always known that but today just confirmed that even more. She is an amazing mom and a wonderful wife. Please welcome Adam into this world.
Lindsey and Adam after a very long days work
Joseph and Adam (Thank goodness he can now shave this beard)
Look out ladies, this one is going to be a heartbreaker just give him 16 years
Still tired after the move, and a little upset about it all.