Friday, September 26, 2008

Random Thoughts

I have been inspired by my sister-in-law, Eliza. She mentioned on one of her blog entries that she just posts random thoughts. However random they may be, they still make for an enjoyable blog. And I find with random thoughts you post more frequently! So I think I will give it a try!

Besides the random thoughts.....Anna did turn 8 in August. Here are some pictures of her big day!
Anna was very excited for her big day!

Gotta love the 70's polyester jumpsuit! There weren't very many options, so Joseph got this one!

As for the random thoughts...they may or may not be random. But recently I have found, or a lot of friends have found me thanks mostly to blogging and facebook! It has been great to "see" them again and to remember the memories that come with each person. It's great to see how they are doing, and to see their cute families, (those that have them) and to hear that I am not alone in my frustrations as a mom!!! I like to try and put up a good front though, trying to make it look like I have everything under control. My mom has an expression she learned from somewhere.....I'm just ducky! A duck looks totally calm and in control on the top of the water, like everything is fine, when underneath they are paddling like hell! Well so much for random!

For my last semester I have to, or rather, I get to do a recital......yikes! The date is set for November 18th, which is a Tuesday. The recital hall has room for 60 people. I don't know if I will even come close to that number, I don't need to fill the hall.....but it's still something that makes me wonder if I could.....not that I totally want to because that would make it even more stressful!

Well there ya random thoughts! Thanks Liza!


Unknown said...

Yeah! I'm putting your recital down on my calander just after I post this. But still remind me when it gets close.

I love the Duck story...sometimes I feel like that.

I love you.

PS Thanks for mentioning me in your blog. I feel famous!

Dedee said...

Sweet. I'm so coming to your recital. It's going to go on my calendar. (It's Dedee, btw, but don't tell, kay.)

coração said...

Oi Lindsey gostaria de ir em seu recital...
mas infelismente não posso!!!
Se eu tivesse ai conseguiria levar as 60 pessoas!!!!!heheheheheheh
Mas sei que vai ir muita gente!!!
Parabéns pelo Batismo da Anna!!!
Realmente foi um grande dia!!!!!
amo vocês

Unknown said...

Congratulations to Anna. That is so crazy to think you have an 8 year old. I wish we could have been there!