Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Ali-Bug!!

Ali's birthday is on Saturday, but since we are having her birthday party on that day I figured I'd better do this now. I call Ali my "Love-Bug", or in short, "bug". I have to remember to add the "love" part in there every once in a while so that she doesn't think I'm calling her an insect!

Ali will be turning 4. Wow. That means we have been in this home for 3 years. When we moved in she was turning 1! Time flies. And in that time she has developed a strong personality as most of you know! I guess "bug" has a double meaning....she can be quite the "stinker" too!! Ha Ha!
Her story: The morning of March 28, 2005 started with me being able to "sleep-in" till about 8. I got up to go to the bathroom, came back and after laying down felt that "pop" that everyone talks about. And it was like a dull pop.....and then came the water. Luckily I had laid so that my back was to the outside of the bed so I quickly slid off the bed (keeping it clean!) and wobbled to the bathroom telling Joseph that my water had just broken. I wasn't in instant pain, and my water wasn't gushing. So I decided to hop in the shower, to try and have a fresh start to the day.

My brother-in-law, Bret had asked to borrow our truck that day and was coming over to switch vehicles. This worked out wonderfully because we sent Anna and Reese back with him to stay with my sister Heidi. The timing on everything was awesome! So at the same time Bret came, we were loading up in the car to head down to Provo.

Now Anna and Reese were both born at Orem Community Hospital, and we had lived in Orem. Well....things changed, we moved, so now we had to go from Eagle Mountain to Provo, in morning traffic. I made sure to have a pile of towels to sit on for the ride, and good thing, every time I had a contraction a small gush of water would come after it. I was more worried about getting stuff on the car seat then having the contractions! TMI, I know, sorry!

We got to the hospital, set up, and waited for our Dr. who himself was at a Dr. appt! Needless to say he got there right in time to deliver Ali. She came out as a healthy 8 pounds 7 ounces! Definitely our chubbiest newborn, and our darkest. She almost looked oriental!

Ali has grown up to be a determined little girl! She is now in pre-school and a dance class, and loves it. She loves her brothers and sister. She has a healthy imagination, and loves to do many things. We are very thankful to have her as part of our family. She keeps things exciting!

That's our Ali-bug, or Ali-babe! Happy Birthday Ali! We love you!


Dedee said...

So when are we getting together? I need to see your Ali-bug--preferably with you attached.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, so much, Lindsey, for taking time to write Ali's story and post the pictures of Ali growing up. Your posts help me feel closer. Anna is the only one of your children that I've seen in person, something that gives me pause. I'll have to make a trip to Utah one of these days, and stay a while.

Unknown said...

These are great pictures of Ali!

coração said...
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coração said...

Parabéns Ali!!!
E Obrigada Lindsey por compartilhar tantas coisas sobre Ali...
Assim posso ama-la ainda mais e mais...
Eu sou apaixonada por ela ,foi um bebê lindo!!!
Suas fotos são maravilhosas!!!
Seus filhos todos são maravilhosos!!!
Adorei o apelido de Ali Bug!!!
muitos beijinhus carinhosus para vocês ai!!!
te amooooooooooo