Well I first thougth about doing this post all in portugues since it was about Porto Alegre, but since it has been almost 10 years since I left, I don't think that I can do it too well. However the reason for this post is to let you know of a very cool experience I had last night.
My parents, Robert and Yvonne recently put in papers to go on an LDS mission. Last night, they recieved their call, and they will be reporting to the Provo MTC on September 17, 2007 to be trained to serve a mission in Porto Alegre North - Brazil.
For those of you who know me, you know that this is the exact same place that I served my mission almost 10 years ago. I was in southern Brazil from 1996 - 1998. My dad also served in Brazil, but never in the south so here is his chance. It is very cool, that it will be in the same place I was at. They could be going to the same towns that I was at and meet some of the wonderful people I knew 10 years ago. I need to look in my journal and give them names of all the families that I knew and met back then. I look forward to the time that I will be able to pick up my parents from their mission.
It was a very wonderful experience.
Sara Rosie at 10 Years Old
7 years ago
This is so exciting! Send my best to your parents. Let all your family know that they can track my family members down at blogs.theworths.org
Não acredito!!!!!!!
eu entendi certo?
Seus pais vão servir missão na poa North?
Se for verdade vai ser bom demais!!!!!!Bah...me lembro uma vez que falamos por telefone e tu disse
que o teu pai tinha muita vontade de conhecer o sul do Brasil...
Ele fez missão em São Paulo!!!
E ele já sabe português...isto é ótimo...
pena que a missão aqui agora é Poa Sul...
Mas mesmo assim teremos achance de ve-los!!!!!!
Se eu estiver errada me corrija!!!
Mas é uma benção muito grande eles poderem andar pelos lugares onde tu andou,conhecer o povo que tu conheceu e até ensinou!!!
Tenho certeza que isto pode nos abençoar de alguma forma!!!
Estou super feliz joseph...feliz mesmo tu nem imagina!!!
Amo vcs
Has it really been 11 years since you got kicked out of my room at the MTC! Wow how time flies. How fun for your parents. I know my father loved round 2 in Brasil as I am sure yours will as well. Also, congrats on the new baby.
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