Friday, December 19, 2008

Christmas Programs and Fun!

As mentioned before, Anna is in Miss Margene's Creative Musical Generation. During the first part of December she was really busy with performances. But now only has 2 left! She was also in the Nutcracker, put on by the dance groups of the same company. She was in the Irish dance.

This is her costume for her musical theater group performances.

This is probably my most favorite song that they sing. I thought I could get closer......Anna is on the left in the front. (If I am able to get a better recording of this I will replace this one.)

This is Anna's costume for the Nutcracker.

Here's her part in the Nutcracker!

I think Anna has enjoyed this experience, and it's been fun to watch her do something she loves.

Ali also had a program, she had her part to say, which was, "J is for Jingle Bells sung loud and long."

After that, Santa came!! Ali has been able to recite her Christmas List, anytime you ask her too. Now, I thought she was going to just go through her list.........but she didn't.

She added something new!!! She said " ummm, my mom wants me to get a....dancing dolly." I never told her that I wanted her to get anything in specific. And she directly asked Santa for needless to say, I have had to adjust some things!!

Reese was part of his school sing a long, in which each grade got to sing two songs. He did an awesome job! I did not however get a recording of him, because I had Ali and Adam to deal with!! But here is a picture of him, being very good at Ali's program. (without Adam!)

We also decorated gingerbread houses with my family. It is a tradition that was begun when I was growing up.


Reese's Ali's Adam's.....done by mom!


Unknown said...

So so so cute!!! That is so fun! You have such cute kids. :)

James Boley said...

That is so much fun to see your daughter's dance recital! She is So cute.
ALL your kids are adorable!

wendij said...

Have a wonderful Christmas,I sure miss Utah this time of year.