Thursday, February 11, 2010

Try, Try, Again!

OK, so I thought I was going to get better at this blogging thing. And for a while I was. But it's just like my exercising habits...
I'm really good for a while, and then it fades away.
So here I am again, and I will try, try, again.
Joseph is working at Mona Vie, and likes his job.
I say he loves it, but I may be over excited about it.
He is in Brazil as I am typing this. He said it was hot and humid over there. It's in the middle of their summer. It's been okay while he has been gone, other than not being able to communicate with him.
But then again, when he goes on his week long scout camps, I usually don't have contact with him then, so I don't know what my problem is! I have noticed that it is easier when he is gone, and I know that he is not coming home at night. I gear myself up for that and can make it through.
On the other hand, when he is home, and I am waiting for him to get home from work, I get all worked up waiting for him.
But I miss him.
Nothing much has happened since I last wrote. We have been living a pretty normal life.
The kids will get a hold of the camera sometimes, and just take random pictures.
I think this picture of Anna is one of them!
I got an invitation from the school for the maturation program!
I'm too young for this!

We love this mask.
Adam has the little voice quotes memorized....
"you don't know the power of the dark side!"

Ali was in the Nutcracker this last season.
She was in the "fishie dance"
She loved it!
She will be graduating pre-school this year!
I just got a kindergarten registration paper today from the
As I was writing this, Ali came out of bed and said she really wants a baby sister.
She had asked me about it before.
But then she asked, "can you help me write Heavenly Father to ask Him for a baby sister?"
She cracks me up!
I said, what if it's a brother?
She quickly shook her head.....uh oh, the pressure is on!
And no, I'm not pregnant!

I know these pictures are random, but then again, so are we!!
Some time in the fall I think last year, we took a trip to Cabela's.
These are our own wild animals!
Last fall, Reese was on a soccer team at the community center.
He enjoyed it.
He learned a lot, and hopefully gained some confidence in himself.
He also made a goal!
At the beginning of the year, Joseph and I started the HCG diet. It's hard to explain about it unless one reads the manuscript by the actual Dr.
But needless to say, we did it together to support one another.
Even though we have concluded that it is a boring diet, we ended up with some great results!!
I wish we would have taken before and after pictures, but then again, I don't know if I would have put them up here for all to see!
But Joseph lost 30 pounds and 9 inches!!
He lost his belly!
For me, I lost 16 pounds and 11 inches!
A little from everywhere!
Now, those inches are a total of overall inches lost.
But we are happy!
It's a definite kick start to eating better, but I do have to say, I still miss my sugar!


Unknown said...

I love your random pictures. :) They are so cute.

Wooohooo! On losing the inches and the weight! How does it feel?

I love you!

Unknown said...

Very cute pictures! I started the HCG on February 1st. So far so good, but you are right, it is a very boring diet and I am definitely missing my sugar, especially with Valentine's day!

wendij said...

so when are you going to call me?? 817-768-7529. I'll be waiting!!!

Dedee said...

The random pictures are the best!

Congrats on the lost inches. That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Lindsey! This is better than a "Christmas Letter"! Even if your postings are sporatic, they are very valuable/loved to those of us who live far away.