Today, October 1, is Reese's birthday, he will turn 5 at 1:12 pm. "I remember it like it was yesturday" (not quite, but it's amazing how clearly it comes back to your mind!) I went in to be induced at 7:30 a.m., that morning. I got all hooked up and going, I think by 8. I progressed along until I thought I couldn't go any longer, which I think was between 9-10. I got my epidural and being quite comfortable Joseph and I started to watch Men In Black II. When the movie was done, they came in to check me, I was complete and prept me for pushing at about 12:45ish. I started pushing, my doctor said we could have him in 15 min. Reese was posterier, and so with a few more minutes added on, he was able to turn him easily. And low and behold........there was Reese! 7 pounds 8 ounzes and 20 1/2 inches long.
He is quite the cute boy now. He is very sensitive and loving. He really loves his baby brother. Reese is in his second year of preschool, and loves his teachers. He is very good at making sound effects. He loves to pretend with his toys. He's a good boy, and we love him, and are greatful he is apart of our family.
(I didn't think to do this for Anna's birthday, sorry, just so I won't bore everyone out by two labor stories, I will do hers another time!)
Reese and Ali
Reese and Adam